New Delivery
Just a few pictures of the barnyard mix chicks that are available and hatching weekly. These were hatched in late November/December. The blue colored are Blue Wyandotte/Orpington mix. I also have Buff Cochin/Orpington mix and Chocolate Cochin/Orpington mix available. And fertile hatching eggs for days! Large breed birds are going for $5.00-10.00 a piece depending on color, breed and age. Fertile eggs are candled and go for $3.00 a piece. I also have a group of coop ready Blue Cuckoo Marans bought from Meyer Hatchery in early December. 3 Hens and 1 Roo in that bunch. Asking price is $25.00 for all 4. Bantams may be up for sale soon as more eggs hatch. Blue/Splash/Blue Black to Splash Orpingtons are set to arrive mid-March and will be available in hatching eggs and straight runs when they hit mating age. Chocolate Orpingtons will arrive mid-April as well.